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Monday, November 28, 2011


a drawing of mine reflecting the Roaring 20´s with genesis of cinema, bootlegging, gambling, jazz and dancing.  A restless decade celebrating life.

INSPIRATION:  (1) Breathing in, as of air into the lungs; inhaling  (2) an inspiring or being inspired mentally or emotionally  (3) a) an inspiring influence; any stimulus to creative thought or action (b) an inspired idea, action, etc. (4) a prompting of something to the written or said (5) Theol., a divine influence upon human beings, as that resulting in the writing of the Scriptures.    

This is a great video about world traveling that I would like to share.  It is called, "Where the Hell is Matt"? 
As this video portrays there are certain things that transcend language and those are smiling, laughing and dancing.  Perhaps these are the part of the Language older than words.

One of the greatest speeches ever made was not only made by comedian but a man who did not speak much in his movies.  This speech is taken from a movie done in '20's or '30's, the movie is called, "Le Dictateur".  This is one of those messages that is timeless and and should be shared with the world.

The Last video I want to share is from a young girl who silenced the world for five minutes.

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