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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just a couple of more videos to watch and inspire and share!

I have been in the Midwest for over a week now and I am getting kind of antsy here.  I wish I was either in Argentina or back in Montana.  The weather here is that in-between phase, which I wish it would either make up its mind and be winter or be summer.  It has been in the low sixties, which I have to admit has been nice, but coming from Montana and especially Kishenehn cabin where outside there was eight inches of snow on the ground just three weekends ago and then coming here has thrown my body and mind for a loop.    My body has climatized to this warm weather and I guess it is a good in-between phase before the balmy and clammy warm and humid weather of what Buenos Aires will be like. 

Being in the Midwest has been nice visiting with friends and family.  I had dinner with my friends Doug and Sherri Hamby in Rochelle, Illinois and they are both phenomenal cooks.  They cooked Paella, which is a Spanish stew-like dish with shrimp, andouli sausage and chiken breasts with a hint of safron, diced and sauteed garlic  and spanish rice.  We had several beers in the mean time to enlighten the tastebuds and inspire the belly towards appetite.  For desert they made homemade ice-cream  and made a dish called, "One Night in Bangkok".  It consisted of  peanut butter, cream cheese, half and half milk, corn starch and water, a touch of cayenne pepper, bananas, roasted coconut flakes, and toasted spanish nuts, etc.  The ice cream dish was very rich, but was very orgasmic for the tastebuds.  The dinner and desert were amazing to say the least.

Doug and Sherri

Figoro, Franky and Sherri

Floyd (an American Bull Dog)

Figoro (a wild cat, somewhat domesticated and looks very much like a cross between Ocelot/jaguar/Geoffrey's cat)

I will be updating this on regular basis throughout my adventure and journey in Argentina and Patagonia and over the next couple of days before my sojourn.  In the meantime check out these great videos that I want to share with you.

This one is a video by the band "Iron and Wine" and Sam Beam plays his accoustic guitar while beautiful women dance Flamenco-style in front of him and just reminds me of some of the dancing I will see in Argentina (the dance capital of the world) and the link is: 

Another video is composed by Ennio Morricone and is based off the movie "The Mission".  It is Gabriel's Oboe.
The link is;

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