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Friday, December 2, 2011


Going off with nothing, but a backpack, an open heart and an open mind, so the whole world may fall into them like loving arms in an embrace.  May the film over our eyeballs be wiped clean and clear of misconceptions.  May our hearts be in rhythm with the heartbeat of another culture and peoples.  May we feel at ease in risk and feel at home in another's land.  May we be friends with people who think, act and look differently than us and be friends to them, as well.  May the weak foundations of our belief systems that don't provide a firm foundation crumble in the sea of experience.  May we build a kingdom/queendom of thoughts that are based only on truth that has been translated through lived experience.  Our hearts quicken, palms sweat and teardrops form as we know the traveler is never the same person who gets on the plane now, as the person getting back off the plane months from now.  All the days of our lives may we grow, evolve and change for the better in constant progression like the seasons and natural cycles that pass.

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