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Friday, December 9, 2011

Tango anyone?!? (with edits)

Yesterday, I walked all over the city alone.  I probably know this city better than any other city I have ever been in.  I find myself getting lost all the time, but also finding where I need to go and most importantly be.  Last night I took my fist tango lessons.  At the hostel I am staying at, they had free lessons.  It is a dance of give and take, much like a relationship or even an argument or a fight. It is similar to skiing as well, in the fact that one must keep chest and shoulders forward and upright and direct the lady with your chest. You would switch partners every five minutes.  I danced with a girl named Alex from Paris, France and a girl named Rommel (which looked like an earlier version of my mother), from Santa Cruz, California and a girl from New Zealand and several from Buenos Aires. We learned several steps in a couple hour period.  Sorry ladies it will take many more lessons before we tango!

After tango I went out to the bar, also in the hostel and met a woman Sari who is from Vienna, Austria and she is actually Kurdish.  I also met a man named Cliff from Tuscon who was a brewer and is now finding ways to mine titanium sustainably and ecologically.  He explained it to me and it makes since.  I am glad some company is willing to do this and try new environmentally friendly techniques to a very destructive practice.  Titanium is found in anything from cell phones, computers, sports equipment and screws that hold people´s limbs together.  I also met a guy named Randall from Duluth, MN who lived in Whitefish, MT and worked as a lifty on Big Mountain Ski Resort one winter.  So that was super cool talking about the homeland.  I have also met two Brits, Don and Michael who volunteer at the hostel.  Also met a man from Portugal named Migel that plans on revolutionizing microsoft smart phones.  While at the bar a band came and played some folk, reggae and and hip hop mixes.  The singer was a woman who had a voice like Annie DeFranco\Patty Griffin.  She had a lot of soul.  There was also a Jamaican looking rasta who played the acoustic guitar and rapped in spanish after she would sing in engliish.  There were two guys playing electric guitar and drums.

There is an electricity in the air (also hot and humid) that does not allow one to sleep easily.  There is just a current of energy that makes you want to go out on the town or just stay up late.  I tried to sleep at say 2 or 3, but just could not.  Also might be due to the intellectual conversations we got into about history of countries, nation building, state of the world and religion (that all too devisive control mechanism).

Today I walked to La Boca by myself and got lost in some of the dirtiest and poverty-stricken slums I have ever been in.  I never felt threatened at all, which is a good thing.  The place was as magical and vibrant as expected.  I watched and listened to professional musicians playing music while professional tango dancers danced while I ate a fine Argentine sirloin steak, with bread and olive oil and salad.  On the way there it was very poor, but very touriste once I was there.  Vendors and artisians selling paintings and clothing.  Tons of outdoor restaurants and good vibes.  Some people did speak English.

On the way back I walked by the Boca soccer (el futbol) stadium, where the world famous Boca Juniors play.  I don´t follow soccor, but they are suppose to be phenomenal!  The Stadium was navy blue and yellow just like the teams color.  There is so much team spirit like a patriotic furor for their beloved team.

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